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Old 2010-11-09, 13:30   Link #748
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Solace View Post
We've always been crazy. That's how we've progressed and how we'll keep progressing. Despite the fear mongering, the reality is that there's always been a fight for progress in the US. Look at nearly every radical social change in this country and it has always been filled with the best and worst of people. From the Revolution, to the Civil War, to workers rights, suffrage, Civil hasn't been easy, and it never will be.

I don't enjoy being in the middle of one of those major changes but I believe the end result will be a country that comes out stronger and better because of it. What that result will ultimately look like....who knows. The next decade promises to be something pretty revolutionary though.
No we have never been this polarized ever, and polarized over absurd outlandish lies and slander, like all muslims are terrorists, and sharia law is coming to your local government next month. I mean really at least the southern backwards white folk had economic incentive to deny black people their rights, what economic or rational incentive is there to deny gays their rights and due process?
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