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Old 2010-11-12, 02:23   Link #673
Elo the Blue
Mama there goes that man!
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: UK
Originally Posted by Last Sinner View Post
Rondo is the type that is perfect to complement a solid lineup - his one flaw is his shooting outside the paint. Deron Williams is the kind of guy a team needs as a socerer as well as a passer. However, Chris Paul is still the best going round at present.

Well, guess I can't say I'm surprised the Celtics beat the Heat - again. However, the utter lack of energy and hunger in the 1st half from the Heat was disgusting. Rondo began to showcase like a Harlem Globetrotter at times. And throughout that game, they just gave no respect to Allen on defense and not much more to Pierce. However, the Heat did make a game of it but left way too much of a hill to climb, especially with Wade having an awful night. James kicking it up a notch tonight in a very physical way is something the Heat needs to do in general. Bosh is gradually getting more accustomed to his role but could still get more imposing. They have decent bench contributions. But the Heat are just as bad as paint defense as they are at perimeter. If they didn't have Allen or Pierce left wide open, Rondo could pick and choose someone for easy paint scoring. For Davis and Robinson to have that much unchallenged scoring is rather lame. And yet it got close in the end - who knows what would have happened if Wade could have found his rhythm? That three he had roll in and out late in the 4th was Miami's one chance to have a shot. Wade has been dominant in games that weren't against Boston, but when he verses them, they utterly shut him down. Considering Wade is now effectively the top of the go-to list for scoring, Miami needs to find ways for him to be able to get it going versus the defensive sides.

The shocker was after getting humiliated by Indiana, Denver pull off an amazing comeback and stun the Lakers. And they did it by doing the basics - crank up the defensive pressure, clog the paint and force low-chance shots, kick up the pace on offense and pass it efficiently. Their bench, particularly Lawson and Smith, just utterly ripped the game out of LA's hands and went on a rampage. Anthony had free reign and Billups didn't even need to be on the court. If Denver can get some consistentcy going, they could go further than they did last season.

So now New Orleans is the only undefeated side - wonder how long that will last.
Bosh was never imposing in Toronto and won't be for the Heat. I've come to realize that while he put up nice statistics as a Raptor and is a good player, you won't win a championship if you except him to crash the boards and be a stopper down low. His refusal to jump when Rondo threw down that dunk is the perfect example.

I love the Heat but they won't win jack unless they can trade for a true low post player before the deadline.
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