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Old 2010-11-19, 11:52   Link #92
ronin myael
lost ronin
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: in the recesses of my convoluted mind...
Originally Posted by Shining Celebi View Post
I don't expect to see jinchuuriki powers from the jinchuuriki. But apparently having a demon sealed inside you increases your own natural chakra capacity. Has Gaara's fighting style really changed without Shukaku? If Naruto didn't have the kyuubi, would Kakuzu have noticed? The jinchuuriki should all still be strong without their demons.
i agree. i think kishimoto had somehow made it known that ninja who become jinchuuriki are chosen because they have "special" chakra when he told kushina's story. she was chosen because she was an uzumaki and the uzumaki are special, just like the kyuubi jinchuuriki before her and now her son naruto. not everyone can become a jinchuuriki. i think if we go back to gaara's story it was also said that among the jinchuuriki before him, his was the most successful union and there's a reason for it. it might mean that only he was strong enough to hold the ichibi in. gaara might have lost his jinchuuriki privileges but i believe he's still a pretty strong ninja. so past jinchuuriki like kushina and the others who were killed by the akatsuki could still hold their own in this war, with or without their bijuu.
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