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Old 2010-11-20, 10:27   Link #6533
Yandere maniax
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Somewhere close to Valhalla
Age: 34
From the Stiyl SS:
That explains the feeling I had in ch 4-5 that Bardway seems to be a manipulative bitch, stand above people!? The whole group's objective is quite something.

My reason why I REALLY hate villains turned protagonists in TAMNI:

I somehow can't differentiate villains from heroes in this series with the exception of Touma, Mikoto and Index. Their morality is really grey. I bet most of the heroes are much more screwed up than the grunts. Poor hound dogs and hundreds of mage underlings in this series that get slaughtered like pigs! Characters that are interesting always get to redeem themselves, but disposable minions like them always die horribly. They only follow the orders just like the others.

I have no sympathy for Kiharas, Kakine and some stupid mages from SS though, most of them are beyond redemption, or probably a need for psychiartist.

F**k! Life is unfair!
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