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Old 2010-11-21, 21:16   Link #14294
Beta by Accident
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Maine
Age: 52
Originally Posted by Demi. View Post
It's not a good indicator of that, either. You cant compare a game with a real fight. For instance, Erio was knocked out after hit with SLB. Fate took damage from Erio and SLB and still looked fine, aside from clothing damage.

It proved Erio has improved a lot since StrikerS, but trying to pull any other facts from a point system game isn't a fair gauge of ability.

In words you can comprehend - I don't think Cypha is stronger than Signum just because she won. And that one was a real fight. But even the better fighter wont always win if caught off guard, or is fighting under terms that doesn't let her use her full potential.
Actually, the Cypha/Signum fight isn't a bad metaphor. Just like Cypha is using her haxx Eclipse powers ("Hah! I will now defeat you by letting you hit me until your weapon breaks!"), Nanoha, Fate, and possibly some of the others* are fighting under limiter effect in the ViVid skirmish (which offers a little input on the Nanoha/Ein engagement as well).

*I don't know how far down the list went, so I don't know about Tea, Subaru, Nove, Erio, Caro, and Lulu.
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