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Old 2010-11-23, 18:34   Link #176
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
Fuck yeah, this episode got Avatar posting again.
It's rather shameful that the first time I posted in ages was to say something negative.

In any case I've watched the episode again. I still felt in disbelief at times. For instance I think "hate" was too strong a word, and I didn't really like what they chose to show this development. What are we going to do now that Kirino's a famous novel writer who gets her own anime? Will we ever touch this subject again? Surely if she goes to a convention she should be recognized. I think Kuroneko was going off track with her speech and acted like a brat. I undestand the meaning of the episode, but I think we could've gone with a more believable story than silly, long winded speeches and Kyousuke going down to his knees in front of anime producers - and it actually working to get their way. I still believe this episode was a poor one.

I think I speak for a lot of people if I say that many of us were already aware that their relationship is complicated, and Kyosuke's reasons for helping her weren't entirely clear, even to himself. We also saw that Kirino was angry at Kyosuke neglecting her just one or two episodes ago (I don't remember the exact line - but she tells him "why are you suddenly pretending to be a good brother" when he offered his help on the Ayase situation).

As for where the story is heading, I think "I hate her" was as much of a copout as "because she's my sister".

While I don't think Kyosuke's ever hated her, his jealousy, perhaps not only of her success but also of parental attention, was probably what made him stay away from her. I guess now that he's found that Kirino isn't quite as perfect as she seemed he might feel he can relate to her better. However, I'm not quite sure he's "paying ammends" to her or it's just guilt-driven, relentless.

As for the cliffhanger, it makes me wonder if she's going to be put on a bus and they'll have to figure out what to do before then, to fix their relationship.
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