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Old 2010-11-29, 17:43   Link #111
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I don't know if she's taking a step backwards.

But she is completely static as a character right now.

Even this wouldn't be so much of an issue except all the other major characters are getting meaningful character development, making Kirino's static nature stand out like a sore thumb.

At least it does to me.
Because in this episode we were back to Kirino basically ignoring Kyousuke much like episode 1 and getting mad at absolutely everything he did. It was almost as if they never became closer together at all, which means the last 8.5 episodes have been pointless.

Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
I've come to the conclusion that I really don't care. Watching Kirino as portrayed in the show is fun and funny for me, and watching Kyousuke try to deal with her unceasing selfishness is enjoyable as well. It's like a sitcom; "no matter what happens, Kirino will just keep being Kirino!" is their shtick. That was exactly what this episode was like (right down to the last shot), and I thought it was funny and enjoyable. I'm sure that they'll make a transition eventually, but I'm in no rush -- I imagine there's probably a second season to come, anyway.

People who don't like the way Kirino is portrayed are going to continue to claim it's an objective flaw in the show's storytelling, and people who enjoy it as is are going to continue to not care what those other people think. This whole on-going debate has been pretty pointless; it's just an opportunity for people to keep expressing over and over again why they think their personal opinions are justified and right. Well, I know: Welcome to the Internet... Not claiming I'm an exception. But at this point I think the arguments are almost writing themselves -- heck, the show itself is fueling the fire. In a sense, we're all being played. I'm going to go back to just enjoying the show.
Sorry, simply proclaiming ad nauseum every freaking thread of this show serves no purpose when I don't even feel like your side has made enough points to constitute a real argument to back up Kirino's character (Other than it's my opinion man!).
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