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Old 2010-12-01, 15:30   Link #193
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
I just realized how new I am to the game...I've had less than 100 games, and today I was matched against a team with like, 3-4 new players to me. It's really weird when you don't know your opponent's moves and common strategies, I was farmed like fertile lands in a hot summer.
You don't see anyone stacks Doran's Shield, yet stacking 3 Doran's Blade is common, and 2 Doran's Ring works for some champion (like Janna, Kayle).
Oh yeah, I think I saw that once a few days ago...but if shields were stackable, I bet they'd nerf those too!
Will buy her after Swain.
Currently interested in Swain, Malzahar, Ezreal and Karthus, but Shaco's on 3150 now...what to dooo... [current IP:5100]
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