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Old 2010-12-03, 00:48   Link #81
Luminion Lancer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Location is all relative.

Originally Posted by Nobodyman9 View Post
It is the same technique with a different dress. There's no denying this. I mean, that's pretty much the whole point of what Bee was saying.

But yeah, tell me again why Naruto limits himself to only 3 or 4 ninjutsus when there are literally thousands out there?
-Maybe, but at least it sounds better on paper when you call it something else. Hey, Wolfenstein was one of the 1st FPS games and Doom soon followed. But Doom was based off of Wolfenstein's design, so shouldn't it be called "Wolfenstein" too (*note: this is only an example and not actual facts about the 2*)? Its the same thing with Katon: Goukakyuu (Uchiha) and Katon: Karyuu Endan (Sandaime). Both are the same in principle and execution, but they still get a different name to them even though both make the user into a Charmander.

-Why work on 20 half-assed jutsu when you can hone your basic 5 and still kick ass with them? Don't you remeber what was said by, I cannot believe I'm actually going to type this, Sasuke way back in Part I? He stated that "an expert with a rock can kill an amateur with a kunai". So while Naruto's opponent's have maybe 20 techniques which they have yet to master, Naruto will be taking down mountains with 3-4 techniques that he not only mastered, but perfected to the point where they surpassed their original design.
-When all else fails, ram them with a force of an 18-wheeler.
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