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Old 2010-12-03, 09:46   Link #2353
Minmay Guard
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by KiNA View Post
And I prefer my manga to be light heart these day, with a healthy dose of ecchi, simply because, I think I have enough heavy reading when doing my own job and I prefer ecchi stuff, or simply things that dont require my brain to work.
Okay, yeah...I can tell you've never read the Macross F mangas...Alto falling in while Sheryl and Ranka are naked in a hot spring is hardly "heavy" reading (and yes, that happened in Macross F: Secret Visions, and yes, it's quite typical of the general Macross F mangas).

Originally Posted by KiNA View Post
Sorry if I fail to conformed to your typical fan stereotype who would gorged at everything a title have to offer... but that just me.
I hope you know I'm not being serious, really...just teasing a little. However, you raise an interesting point that is definitely worth considering seriously. Looking at it in abstract terms, if someone says, "Oh, I'm a huge fan of Series X," and someone else says, "Oh, have you seen all this other material for it?" and the first person says, "No, I don't really care about that," big a fan are they? Is it just "typical fan stereotypes" that want to find out more about characters and worlds they profess to love?

I don't really have an answer to that...certainly, I like Star Wars (to take but one example), but I care nothing about the "expanded universe." I'd definitely say that makes me less interested than the guy who has read all the books and played all the games. But on the other hand, you've got to prioritize, since most of us don't have unlimited time and funds to pursue every fandom we'd like.

So yeah, I dunno. But it's an interesting question.
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