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Old 2010-12-03, 14:48   Link #217
Not an expert on things
Join Date: Jun 2007
We couldn't do any damage to them early game, to be honest. I was laning with Malphite and no matter how much I harassed [And Lux is very good at harassing], Alistar would heal their lane while Sion would stun and chip. Our other duo lane was trading kills, etc.

It wasn't even that we were getting CC'ed, since Lux has her snares and Malphite has good CC. It wasn't due to our team face-checking bushes; our Sona had Clairvoyance. Our team wasn't terrible at all. They just had so much life that we couldn't kill them even when they tower dove, and they had enough damage output to kill us.

I thought that they would be destroying us early game, but we might be able to get our carry itemized well enough to clear their team, but by then they destroyed all of our inhibitors.

Well, hopefully that doesn't happen again. Or, hopefully, I can get myself Kog'maw.
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