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Old 2010-12-03, 23:57   Link #19374
Used Can
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Yeah, all the things you've said is why I love Yasu. However, my problem is not with Yasu herself. If Yasu was her own character - i.e. completely unrelated to Beatrice - I wouldn't be slightly dissatisfied as I am now - of course, I'm not entirely dissatisfied since, as I've said, I do like Yasu, and I'll take her as Beatrice any day over plain ol' boring Shannon.

My point here is about personality traits and strength of character. Not only that, but the presence a character has in the story. Beatrice was always strong in all of those. She always had this air of magnificence around her - despite some bursts of childishness and slight vulgarity. However, no matter how interesting Yasu's story may be, the... weight and strength that you could feel with Beatrice, in my opinion, is simply not there. They are just two different characters. Of course, had Yasu grown up into a person with a personality and behaviour like Beatrice's, I wouldn't be complaining at all, since that would would have kept Beatrice. However, the fact is, Yasu, in that regard, is not like Beatrice. She may role-play as Beatrice, but she isn't like her.
"The name is Tin; Used is just an alias. I'm everything Shoe Box would like to be." - Used Can of the Aluminium Kingdom
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