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Old 2010-12-04, 02:22   Link #7307
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Originally Posted by Used Can View Post
An issue with animating the EoTW arc is that the build-up to it wasn't in season 2, other than Hayate mentioning A-tan for the first time. However, Hayate did remember her in other occasions, Izumi's arc being the most important build-up, when Hayate broke into tears after remembering Athena.

There's also the fact that, as I've already mentioned, that it'd basically revolve around Hayate ad Athena. So, fans of other characters wouldn't be able to see the characters they like the most. Not to mention that there was barely any comedy in this arc. Therefore, people who may be in for some laughs due to parodies and randomness - which is what HnG is known for - won't be able to get any of that.

I also don't think the EoTW arc is long enough to make a movie, unless they come up with new scenes.

I'm sure the movie will be an original story.
First, the length. If they were to do EoTW, they could easily add enough to make a decent season (12 episodes) with it, given that lots was implied, but not clearly qualified where it was in the story, the 'teaching' that a guy had to be able to financially support his girlfriend isn't given a context (it was told to us in the second season flashbacks, but happened sometime during the arc). A movie length arc could do to clear up when those lessons were taught for instance.

The story could be easily framed with all the other characters present, something like the episode 0 event going on to get comments from all the characters while the story was going on, covers both the humor aspect and includes many of the characters... Except for the fact that we aren't entirely sure which of the characters actually know about it. Maybe only Athena and Hayate know the story, so Hayate relating it in a party atmosphere wouldn't fit, and somewhat defeats the mood of the entire arc. The EoTW and Athens arcs are serious arcs.

Though... they could try doing the start of the 2nd year and the hiking trip associated with that as a movie, since the lead-up to that was already implied and it hasn't really had an effect on the overall plot. Possibly allowing them to start a 3rd season with the EoTW arc.

I still think that the movie will be composed of movie/anime continuity only events.
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