Thread: Licensed Iris Zero
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Old 2010-12-04, 19:33   Link #11
Bonta Kun
Know who you are
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Resides within the depths of Ned infested Glasgow
Originally Posted by Claies View Post
To be honest, I'm a little taken aback at least in this arc by how easily the MC overcame his cynicism, especially in chapter 2. I expected him to act like the shadow hero he was in chapter 1 for much, much longer. Having him forgive Yuki so quickly makes him a much better person, but it just seems like wasted potential to not have his demons (read: Yuki) confronted in length while he is still stubbornly dissociative. Not to mention almost unrealistically kind-hearted.
Aww I'm a tad disappointed to hear this cause I was also hoping there would be some more "drama"(can't seem to find the word to fit so drama will have to do, altho nothing exactly serious) between the 2.
I was hoping they might be able to somewhat become friendlier but not exactly friends even when he did that for her but he would still have some resentment towards Yuki.
And have Yuki be the one put forth the effort to make amends.

Well I won't be put off cause not like it's a bad thing.

BTW just a little question but is the thing with the flower pot(?) revealed any time soon?
Don't need details just a yes or no, I just want to know if it's revealed sooner rather than later.
That is if it's actually a flower pot attack or just some sorta unfortunate accident but I doubt that.

usually I would go look for the raw myself but I really don't wanna spoil myself on this series.
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