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Old 2004-10-15, 02:40   Link #18
Lost World
Join Date: Dec 2003
Originally Posted by typetenchi
People are not running like retards your quite mistaken. Although your entitled to your perception of how "cool" it looks to run with their hands behind their back theres actualy a reason for it. Ninja/Assassins back in the day ran this way to be a little more aerodynamic. Less body mass to come into wind current making it easier to move. It also was for balance as well as as silence because they would have a sword strapped to their back and flattening out would prevent bounce and clatter from the sword. I am aware that they dont have swords and Im sure it probably doesnt matter to you because it looks "retarded" but I suppose its good that they are trying to add a bit of accuracy.
Well, there's your explanation. Now everyone can shutup.
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