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Old 2010-12-15, 19:47   Link #36
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: The Dark Side of The Moon
i'm glad i'm not the only one with the 'vaizard' deja vu feeling
copying other people's work is one thing, but copying yourself? oh wait, rescue rukia and orihime arc,
-sigh- im disappointed, because i had a small bit of hope that kubo would be able to improve everything, and that the arrancar disaster was only because he wrote himself into a corner with aizen's character, who was epic at the end of the SS arc, but not as much later on...
but now? more new characters to match the dozens of underdeveloped ones we already have?
sigh, i guess i'll just have to give up the hope of bleach possibly returning to his former glory, it seems like the SS arc was a stroke of luck, nothing more
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