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Old 2010-12-15, 20:49   Link #40
Luminion Lancer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Location is all relative.

Originally Posted by Fran~ View Post're a failure as a man... look, Orihime is asking you to go out and you just say no...
-That's because Ichigo wants Ikkaku to take him into his big, tough, manly chest and carry him away on a magical dragon. Then the duo can meet up with Yumichika and share beauty tips.

-As for the chapter, it was kind of nice to have this bit of mystery around. Its a nice change of pace at least. Before it was just:
-Damsel got kidnapped.
-Go to Doom Fortress and rescue said damsel.
-Fight any bloody thing that presents a threat in ascending order of strength.

**P.S: Is it me, or is Orihime's new hair-style very distracting?
-When all else fails, ram them with a force of an 18-wheeler.
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