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Old 2010-12-18, 21:53   Link #1622
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Speaking of youths vs. oldies here, i realized why Japan has such a low birthrate:

-The education system

The Japanese were taught from elementary to either choose work or kids. Whereas the European education system were taught the third option: "Moderation".

I know it's kind of obvious, but no one is doing anything to reform its education system. Animes like Great teacher Onizuka and Toradora has become a subtle critiques and social commentaries on the effects of japanese education on students and teachers.

I despise the education system of Japan not only because of the lack of critical thinking, but also because of the "work vs. kids" mentality the education system teaches.

If Japanese society wants to take itself seriously, they should start doing things like reforming the education system. It all starts with education.

I'm currently making a study on mental health in Japan so i'll talk about that in a few days.
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