Thread: Licensed Katanagatari
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Old 2010-12-19, 10:35   Link #2381
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ohio
Age: 60
I am a simple-minded viewer who has not read the manga or light novels or whatever, and who only watches each episode once. But I was so frustrated by the way Katanagatari ended that I felt I had to vent my frustrations somewhere where a few people would read them. Here are the thoughts which come to the mind of a viewer who was prepared to devote modest effort to understanding this show (in general, the more enjoyment I get, the more attention I pay and the more effort I devote in return):

I felt that the concluding episode of Katanagatari was a mess. The people who made this final segment seem to have been thinking 'let's just scramble everything up; nevermind if it makes any sense or not. The viewers will think that our unconventional approach was cool'. But some things are unconventional because it has already been shown that they don't work, and such was the case here.
Spoiler for Spoiler::
What a sloppy--no retarded--conclusion. Bizarre twists like these could work, but not when little or no effort is made to make them plausible. Strange things happening for no reason is not entertainment. What a mess Katanagatari turned out to be; and what a tragic waste of potential.

Last edited by Stretch; 2010-12-19 at 10:55. Reason: Mistake
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