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Old 2010-12-20, 15:24   Link #206
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Originally Posted by sayde View Post
When you take things into context (like this), it's best to factor in ALL of the evidence the series provides. So when you consider there's hardly any proof at all to suggest a VL is any stronger than an adjuchas lvl arrancar beyond one characters statements that have been translated several different ways, to mean several different things, I seem to be the only one among us using the word "level" in the proper context.
"Proper" context is not what TK is known for.
And, unfortunately, TK is who we have to base our facts upon, as inconsistent and/or subjective as they are.

Originally Posted by sayde View Post
Because if most of the Espada were merely as strong as non-arrancar Vasto Lorde's, that notion leads to gaping plot holes that I discussed on the previous page.
What else is new?

Originally Posted by sayde View Post
On the other hand, if the Espada were mostly of the Vasto Lorde "level" turned into arrancer, then that makes much more sense. I even managed to find one manga scanlation that directly suggests the term "level" to be used in the exact context I'm advocating.
Spoiler for saving page space:

Of course, this is also part of the same shred of evidence I'm been claiming has been translated and interpreted several different ways. So take it as you will.
SO not only were they Vasto Lorde, but they were also Arrancar-powered up Vasto Lorde, and were defeated by some upstart captains (excepting Shunsuei)?
Vasto Lorde were SPECIFICALLY mentioned to be above captain level (again with the "levels"), whether that is true or not, it is the only specific mention of just how powerful they are.
Take that with the feact that the Espada were under orders to...uh...find the Vasto Lorde, it is simply not smart to take it for granted that they are Vasto Lorde.
Yep. An arrancar Vasto Lorde was beaten by Kendo. An arrancar Vasto Lorde was killed by a slice to the waist. An arrancar Vasto Lorde suffered death by digested hand. An arrancar Vasto Lorde was beaten at a children's game.
All of their victors were also at or below average captain level. :/
Oh, and Tite Kubo meant to say they...erm...WERE Vasto Lorde.

Like I said, I am not saying they aren't. Just pointing out that we shouldn't just assume they are.

They are arrancar, and by being so, they were Vasto Lorde Level. That simply goes to show how powerful Vasto Lorde would be if they were arrancar, and why Aizen was seeking them. With the Espada.

But forgive me. I suppose I simply don't have enough context, obviously. I should take "Level" as a biological process seriously, when it is used countless times as a power/reiatsu-comparison.
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