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Old 2010-12-22, 20:54   Link #10
SHSL Lurker
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Academy City
Code Geass S1 and S2 - the animation is so sharp. their faces are literary a triangle. It was disturbing enough to turn me off from this series
The animation isn't THAT bad. Code Geass would be one of my all time favorite series and possibly one of the best out there. The amount of twists it throws at you is insane, its fight scenes are crazily awesome, and you can really watch as Lelouch turns a small group of resistance fighters into an army that is capable of standing against a tyrannical empire. Most of the time I felt like I was watching history itself being written in front of my eyes because of how good the storytelling was.

Jigoku Shoujo - repetitive
It does reuse mainly the same episodic format, but it's quite interesting to see how dark human beings really are. It really picks up near the end of each season as well.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - watched 2 episodes and have no idea what's going on and still can't figure out why people like this
It's because of the pure unadulterated GAR that is coming from this show.

Originally Posted by The Nihon Review
Pessimism, realism and everything in between is blasted out the window with unfettered energy and optimism placed in its stead. The series is a coming of age story where the lead character actually comes of age. This nonstop adrenaline rush is driven by strong characters and mind-blowing imagery. The monster of the week formula the show employs is overshadowed by the insane amount plot movement, character development and creativity. Amazing protagonists are thrown against equally amazing villains in a kinetic clash where self-confidence is all the power the characters ever need. Ignore all the crap that whizzes past your head, the show hits you with such a heavy sledgehammer of epic that all the corny clichés and downright stupid elements seem perfectly acceptable.
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 - i got bored watching it
I do admit the first episode was slow. However, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is a heartbreakingly realistic show. It tells the story of a girl and her brother struggling to find their way home after a massive earthquake hits Japan while they're in the city. It's one of those shows that left me into a sobbing mess when it ended, and it pulls its execution off flawlessly.

I do recommend that you at least watch more than one or two episodes before judging a series, since you can miss some really good series that way.
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