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Old 2010-12-26, 20:59   Link #2369
Cao Ni Ma
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Yes the obvious answer would be that they cant exist at the same time. We are asking what if they could, the whole concept of this game has been to try and find all the different possibilities that could happen and choosing the one that makes the most sense given the information. Yes, Shkanontrice is the most probable option given the story in the game so far, but it also has huge problems that you cant just jump over with faulty logic.

So if Kanon and Shannon can coexist and be together at the same time, why would Shannon stall Will in bringing him over. Why would it lead to Will being cornered (if the person cornered is actually Will). My opinion would be that as long as there is a probability that Shkanontrice exist , then she would be the logical culprit in the series. This is her end goal, regardless of who the actual culprit might really be.
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