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Old 2010-12-27, 01:22   Link #98
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2009
hum...thinking more carefully about the photo scheme, it actually doesn't make much sence how it actually worked, since this plan has what i think low probability to be successful if some points are considered.
Haruka for example, when Risa showed the photo, Junichi had already confessed two times to her, i think even considering her personality Haruka should've somehow suspected a bit, and Kaoru is relatively close to Junichi, and she knows his personality to the point where she would find atleast a bit strange for him to not telling her about his girlfriend. Sae and Ai are close to Miya and of course Miya would know( or atleast suspect) if he had a girlfriend or not (of course there's the chance to not know but unlikely to happen), Rihoko should've a well suspect about the photo since she's close to him and Miya, and the most interesting is Tsukasa, since she's the only girl without a reason to suspect about the photo and ironically she is the only one who wasn't fooled ( in the game atleast =X).
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