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Old 2010-12-27, 02:08   Link #1009
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Gensokyo
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I didn't even know this manga existed until about a week ago. After To-Love the first one, I thought it was over.

The thing that I like most so far is that this series is a spin-off without really being a spin off, yes the focus has changed to two other characters, but it's still the same core story, the only real difference is that we don't have to force what weird contraption Lala has created today, or what excuse we have to make Rito a girl for Haruna to almost catch him in the act during. Not that I didn't like the original triangle or anything, in fact I loved all three of them, I'm just relieved I guess, that they won't get stale and end up making me sick of the series as a whole.

The direction of the focus on the harem, which in the last volume of the first manga was the question that I'm sure was on everyone's mind before Lala happily informed Rito of his... 'options' , is the only direction I desperately hoped for. I don't know what it is, but the fact that Lala and Momo don't seem like they would have any issue 'sharing' Rito sweetens the deal even more. Speaking of which, Momo is getting sexier with each passing day.

This has probably been posted already, but I couldn't help but notice that whenever Momo had a vision about her (well mostly Rito's) dream harem, Mikan was always stuck in there right next to Rito. Wincest <3

I swear TLR is Tenchi done properly in every way shape and form.
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