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Old 2011-01-01, 18:13   Link #5684
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Originally Posted by azul120 View Post
When it came to the Zero Requiem, Suzaku already objected to it on a fundamental level, and asked if there other ways, and Lelouch confirmed as much.
I assume you're referring to the exchange from the Mutuality short story, not anything from the anime, but my point is a comprehensive context surrounds the issue that we should be taking account, instead of only debating isolated phrases in and of themselves. Nothing more, nothing less.

In the short story...Suzaku asks Lelouch if there isn't any other way and the reply is no, there is none. Lelouch admits that there were other options, as part of his own internal monologue, but he's not telling this to Suzaku. Such an inquiry doesn't mean Suzaku "objected" on a fundamental level, I believe, but simply that he had doubts. And yet, the short story also shows Suzaku accepting this and respecting Lelouch's resolve...which is reflected by what Suzaku actually says and does in the animation, including Turns 23 and 25.

I would say such doubts are part of the tensions and internal conflicts of both characters, in light of what has been previously described. However, in the end they all agreed to the plan in spite of any other concerns and didn't really look back after the decision had been made.
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