Thread: Licensed Kimi ni Todoke Second Season
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Old 2011-01-02, 13:10   Link #34
Join Date: Jan 2009
Age: 33
I checked out the manga... but I'm not really a fan of the dynamic between the two main characters. Sawako is really cute, but I'm a bit annoyed at how socially perfect Kazehaya is. I feel like the story is pushing Sawako to become "normal" by developing a relationship with someone like Kazehaya.

She seems to be becoming less and less of a unique character as the series continues, like the only way to be happy is to be normal. Given the importance of individuality and alternative lifestyles in America, I'm not so sure how well this story would do overseas (except, of course, with American anime fans who want to date a perfect Japanese guy like Kazehaya, but he seems boring to me).
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