Thread: Licensed Bakuman (TV) (All Seasons)
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Old 2011-01-02, 15:09   Link #471
All Evils of the World
Join Date: Feb 2008
I'm not usually one to agree with gg (can't recall anytime I did before this), but I definitely have to side with them over this show. I'm a huge fan of the manga, but this anime is ruining it with how slow and boring they are making it. What is the purpose in stretching out like one panel of manga of "oh I hope I'm not holding him back" into an entire episode of angsty brooding? It messes up not only the pace but the character's personality as well.

But the worst of it comes from them adding random breaks of nothing (for example, in the manga they have a meeting. In the anime, they have a meeting, go home and brood over it for a minute, then go back for a second meeting in the morning. that makes no sense and just wasted 4 minutes of brooding not in the manga) and their belief that we have the memory of a fish, because they feel the need to flashback to things we just saw every time a character is thinking. We know what they said, we JUST saw it happen. We can figure out why the character is brooding on their own without you showing us scenes we JUST saw.

Seriously, I adore this series, the manga is one of my favorites. But I need to wait until the anime is done airing and just watch it all in one go so the pacing doesn't bug me as much. Because I really want to like this anime, but it just makes me frustrated right now.
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