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Old 2011-01-06, 07:22   Link #26
Iron Maw
Join Date: Feb 2006
Originally Posted by Intranetusa View Post
I'm just making a statement about the anime that I know a few others agree with - some of the main characters are annoying.

You're making excuses with poor examples.
No I'm not everything I have said is actually in the show and most people see them as I see them including novel readers. I'm not ask you to like those 3 hell there people don't like Celty, Shizuo Shinra etc, but it doesn't change that your facts are messed up and baised. You're making the out be some sort terrible people that there aren't.

First, Izaya helped Mikado put the organization together. If it wasn't for him, I'm sure the Dollars would still be a bunch of backwater nobodies.
Not exactly, the Dollars gained fame before he even showed up started meddling with things and causing the group to grow uncontrollable by planting false rumors about. Futhermore the Dollars already had folks Ikebukoro and Saitama is not some "backwater town". Why actually look up the place before making such a sill statement.

Also, all he did was call a meeting to thwart Namie...the result was still nothing happening.
The truth about Harmina Mika came out which led Celty finding out about both Shinra and Yagiri Pharmacy causing Namie to escape with the head from her and Nebula. That's not "nothing", but I already know that you don't bother to pay attention.

He showed zero leadership skills before and after this even. The only think Mikado did was basically call a meeting - he really did absolutely nothing to help put together the Dollars structure, foundation, organization, etc (which was all done by recruiters or people like Izaya)...
Except he put together the meeting and used his resources to the best of he's ability to help not just Cetly, Mika but later Anri as well as by coordinating what would be a difficult to control group. And he did all that without any personal gain, more than 15 years ago are expected to do. Should I mention that he's living own and providing he's own expenses outside school tuition as well as being Class Rep and part of a concil? His got plenty of leadership.

As for the Dollars; it doesn't have a structure or much of foundation to begin(it suppose to be hoax for fun) with be he and his friends start the site and posted on other message boards and invited people long before Izaya showed up. The only Izaya did was invite more people causing the group to be somewhat more unruly(leading to all the original members aside from himself to quit) by vandalizing things and the like until Mikado convinced others in the group to use the Dollars for more positive things.

Kida earned their respect through brute force, but he was obviously not cut out to be leader. If he was such a great fighter, why couldn't he save his girl? Cuz he was a little punk coward at that time who had no leadership qualities or courage.
Not being able to save Saki had nothing to do with him not being a good leader. He had no problem fighting the BS, it was when the gang took things to another level such as kidnapping people close to him with the intent of murder that he realize for the first he or she could die. It doesn't help that person who come to trust had been manipulating both his group and BS along with Saki's capture for his own amusement. He just 13-14 kid ago back then things that went beyond his control and has been full of guilt since then. End he does make amends for it which is the entire point of his arc.

Anri uses her powers at inopportune times, and doesn't even follow through with it to solve problems in the long run.
Yes, saving the town from Haruna was stupid. Using Saika's information networrk was stupid. Protecting the Dollars and later confronting the mastermind of whole thing was stupid. Gee she's such and evil bitch.

She just continue close herself to anyone and everyone because you hate her.

Yeh, so apparently mind controlling YS members and then infiltrating their base isn't going to start a fight?
She only ask them to show her the base and then went on her own and for that matter those guys were already slashed by Haruna. Anri wasn't even aware that YS thought Slasher the Dollars were even connected to start.

And no, it's not understandable. The people already told her Kida was the leader. I don't see how it could be a shock if she already knew the leader's identity.
Except she was, look at that scene and watch her reaction.

That's dumb, if you had a good who friend who had been nothing more than upstanding person turnout to be leading a notorious group you be shocked and not try verify it or not?

What good would running away after seeing him do? She infiltrated their damn base...and of course, she leeches off of Celty to make a dramatic entrance, pulls out her slasher sword, etc...all that resulted was her causing more problems for everyone.
Again, she was not there for confrontation only to find out if Kida really was the leader because it doesn't make any sense with what she knows about him. She not leeching off anything with Celty either, who was the one that had taken in Anri as younger sister own. Celty was completely of her own choice in coming to save Anri, which you don't seem think she perfect capable of making.

Maybe you miss it with Rio, Mikado and Shizuo but Celty is really nice who you know helps out her friends. But I guess their all leeches too.

And Anri pulled out Saika to defend herself from a pipe that had been thrown at her not to showoff if anything Celty was one doing it that(to scare off YS.)

It doesn't exactly help that she is mind controlling their members, sneaking into their base, calling on the black rider to almost run their members over with a motorcycle, pull out a slasher sword, etc
What are you talking about? So if Celty ran over someone it's Anri's fault too? I'm done. You know what speaking to you it's pretty much pointless, you essentially hate the 3 for mostly made up reasons and demonize everything that they do base off your own bias and hatred. Like I said earlier I don't care who you like or don't but don't bring misinformation.

The only other things I'm going to address before I go are:

All she did was give them more suspicion that the slasher was with the dollars and the black rider.
Suspicions that was based off an internet rumor that couldn't be proven, and had no base outside the Black Rider possibly being in Dollars. Even after the event Kida and half of the group weren't convinced and the others too busy wanting to revive their fallen reputation to care.

Besides, did you forget the part where she slices off Celty's head? (the real Sakia/Anri and not Haruna I assume) That's attempted murder, and would've been murder if Celty wasn't a headless rider. And she had the slasher attack her bullies with a sword... yeah, they were bullies, but attacking them with a sword? Common...
Once again the entire scene flew past your head huh? There wasn't any attempted murder, Anri only slashied Celty's arm and protecting her teacher who she thought he was being attacked when he was chased into the back alley only to find out Celty wasn't human. That's (out of surprise) when she cut-off her nonexistent head. The whole thing was revealed to be setup by Izaya to learn who that Slasher was.

Last edited by Iron Maw; 2011-01-06 at 09:48.
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