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Old 2011-01-12, 08:32   Link #160
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Originally Posted by Thewanderer View Post
Yeah, having a plot sucks ass.
Not having a plot sucks even more.

Originally Posted by MAQI View Post
Dude, I'm not saying that, but at least make go a little faster, I mean it's been painfully slow going so far. I am all for plot and a good story but he's gotta move it along. He could have done the whole business card and phone call in one chapter, he is seriously dragging ass or stalling, whichever it is I don't care. I was was just saying he needs to hurry it up, in a sarcastic way that is...

At the moment Bleach doesn't have fights, it doesn't have boobs (and so we have people craving for Yoruichi or Rangiku)... but it doesn't have a plot either. Or at least the plot is so thin than majority of the readers feel like Bleach chapters are almost empty.
I mean the "plot" of the past chapters could have been done in half the pages. Heck probably Oda could have told us the same "plot" in just one single chapter. Instead we have KT wasting pages after pages looking at character's silent faces, dramatic poses and silly dialogues ("ehi i like ramen" "O rly?" or "wow your are 5 minutes early" "not rly just 3 minutes" omg that's intense!).
He is just wasting pages with random a worthless pictures and dialogues. No value actionwise, no value comedywise and almost no value plotwise.

And yes i know shonenjump manga are not well known for plot but even for sj standards Bleach is doing extremely bad.
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