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Old 2011-01-26, 06:20   Link #7
False Dawn
Florsheim Monster
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: UK
Originally Posted by Quarkboy View Post
But sometimes it's not just typos, but revelations in the series itself that would cause one to go back and reinterpret something in a previous episode...
That's just unavoidable when doing translations in real time, and fansub groups had to deal with this sort of thing too.

That's why fansub groups always used to do batches when they'd completed a series - so they could go back and change things to fit what comes later. Though, it seems pretty rare to do that these days.

Kokujin-kun, I also have to echo everyone else's "What?" - I can only assume you're trollin' here because, from your explanation, it actually looks like you have an issue with the edit rather than the actual translation (you've gone literal, CR have gone liberal). I'm all up for a witch hunt as much as the next person, but if you're gonna bandy about the "mistranslation" tag, it'd be nice to have a bit more to go on...

EDIT: to illustrate the bit about reinterpreting previous eps, the one I remember most is when Lunar were subbing Bleach and they alternated between "he" and "she" for Yoruichi in cat form, despite the VA being clearly male. That came about because, inbetween episodes, the manga chapter where she transforms into her human form came out and that revelation actually made them change their subs for the anime.
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