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Old 2011-01-27, 21:06   Link #7688
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Originally Posted by zodanhko View Post
That's what I called a "wrong doing," not an "immature doing." Her reason for doing so is not that of immature reasons.
That's yet to be proven. We've yet to be given a reason for wanting her memories and power back. As I stated earlier, history tells us that it's entirely immature reasons for her.

That would be before Midas, scheming with Mikado for the power of the gods (which probably failed, leading to her being 'infected' with Midas), during Midas, acting out against Hayate for slights to her that weren't even his fault, and post-Midas, blackmailing Hinagiku.
Arcion's is open for business. How would you like your hare-brained scheme?

Would people quit throwing my faith in humanity being intelligent a shovel?
... Apparently there are now people in existence who are unable to use a shovel.

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The world is winning.. by leaps and bounds.

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