Thread: Dating
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Old 2011-01-30, 23:29   Link #8018
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Boston, MA
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Ricky Controversy View Post

Not to nitpick, but neither one necessarily follows from the other. Sure, good interaction increases the odds of a relationship lasting, but I've seen unhealthy relationships carry on seemingly peacefully for years, and I've seen healthy ones tank after a couple weeks.
Oh, I'm not saying you're obliged to take their opinions to heart by any means. But you seem to be saying you categorically ignore them if unsolicited, which means you'll miss out on a surprising volume of really deep insight.

My concern is that the nature of one's world can be shaken dramatically at any time, and if your ability to engage the opinions of others is limited to work within such an idyllic context where you have the luxury to choose the people surrounding you, then under more volatile circumstances you'll have real difficulties coping. Being, at the very least, attentive to the world around you makes you more flexible under duress.

It depends on what you'd consider healthy and unhealthy though. =D
See how most things are actually subjective... I have every reason in the world to be single, and very few to actually keep a steady boyfriend at my age..I stopped tolerating people that had qualities I couldn't tolerate a long time ago. That doesn't apply to everyone obviously which is why you have people who constantly complain about their friends, or relationship. >.>
My boyfriend has plenty of little quirks and thing that bug me, but clearly they are not enough for me to say I can't tolerate them. How much someone can tolerate in a relationship or not doesn't define whether it is healthy or not to me.

The thing is, at school and work you don't get to choose the people around you. Which is why the only people I am concerned about when it comes to my personality and the impression I leave are those that I have to be around, and those that I work for. No one is forcing me to go to work or school - it is my choice so obviously I wouldn't take the "screw what you think" attitude towards people in these settings. I do however choose the company I keep, and people I'd consider friends - everyone does.

However others that I don't choose to be around and find themselves injecting their worthless opinions into my life are just that....worthless. I don't find unsolicited opinions insightful or with good intentions at all. People tend to have these things called self-esteem issues, and jealousy and often that comes out when they are giving unsolicited 'opinions' regarding someone else instead of worrying about themselves, and their own life. How anyone finds the time for that I have no idea..>_> jealousy can make people do/say crazy things.
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