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Old 2011-01-31, 08:25   Link #28
Join Date: Sep 2010
In episode 1, i found Madoka so-so. In episode 2, impressions improved but still don't really care. Episode 3, found her naviety annoying but otherwise ok. Episode 4, i found myself hoping she never becomes a mahou shoujo.

I blame the toothbrushing scenes and the scenes where she lets down her hair. Her pancake style face is growing on me as well. Episodes 1-3 established her as an innocent person while 4 gave her sadness, fear and bravery. When Kyubei's sentences are accepted as double meaning (episode 1: If you give up now, everything ends! <-yeah you would end you furry idiot), the bad end that is in store really sucks.

They really pulled off the emotional manipulation good there. The manipulation of light and shadow to control the underlying messages was also very well done. If she was established as a idiot + innocent + naive, then i won't not have cared about her upcoming bad end since no one can save an idiot.

Eg Sayaka. To me she's an idiot, wishing for something that could be solved without wishes just because it was expedient. Now she's probably going to drag Madoka in when she's about to get killed or similar.
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