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Old 2011-02-01, 16:58   Link #2708
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: USA
Age: 37
Pre-skip he neglected her because she was a little kid. He also didn't realize how much she adored and cared for him until it was too late. I think it was within a couple of days after he had realized and accepted her that everything went to hell.

Post-skip he should have tried to apologize or something, but the thing is... it wouldn't have mattered. She suffered for two years because of him (not directly, but she blames him) and no amount of apology would make up for that. I think if he had shot her in the arm in the church instead of killing her they could have worked things out. I was really hoping that would happen, that she would at least live long enough to be redeemed. Agh... I have to go scream into the sky now.

And it's not that rational actions never happen in anime, it's they never happen in fiction - otherwise there wouldn't be a story.
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