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Old 2011-02-05, 21:00   Link #94
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Can't help but notice everytime Kirino is criticized, Kuroneko is praised and/or hailed as a goddess. Perhaps it's time for a change...

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: I dislike Kuroneko. My main reasons for it are probably because she constantly hides her true persona behind the dark girl mask, always reciting nonsense about dark magics and whatnot. Allow me to recall an example from episode 9: Kyousuke calls her and asks what she's doing. After a brief display of shyness, she instantly put on her "mask" and her true persona is kicked to the side again. Also, whenever I hear her talk, she sounds really conceited, almost as if she's got a superiority complex.

There really isn't much depth to her character either. She lacks the "unknowns" that make Kirino's character seem more appealing to me (the background for her "cold war" period with Kyosuke, for example). I did like the glimpse of her more natural self when she was taking care of her sister, though. It's probably the only Kuroneko scene I liked. If she acted more like that, dropped the dark girl mask and tried not to sound so arrogant all the time, then perhaps I'd grow to like her, but as she is now, I can't bring myself to.
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