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Old 2011-02-06, 22:39   Link #11892
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Originally Posted by TinyRedLeaf View Post
Why would Beijing want to start a trade war with the United States? The majority of its exports goes to the US, so such a move would likely hurt it a lot more than it does America.

In the meantime, China has been making increasingly strident calls for an alternative global reserve currency. To this end, it has been carefully experimenting with the launch of yuan-denominated assets, both shares and bonds, in Hong Kong. I haven't been keeping track, but I won't be surprised to find government-linked investment arms diversifying their holdings to include other currencies and reduce dependency on the US dollar.

The euro faces several problems, but it isn't dead in the water yet, thanks to China and, surprisingly, Japan. Both countries have taken major stakes in the latest round of euro-bond sales, organised to raise funds for bailing out Ireland, and potentially Spain and Portugal.

Who doesn't want to trade with China, or to invest in it, nowadays? The problem doesn't lie the lack of desire, but in a range of fiscal and trade barriers. All that, plus the hidden costs of doing business in China, arising from red tape, corruption and industrial espionage.
You certainly have some valid points TinyRedLeaf.

It would seem the Chinese are fueling the "brush-fires" of Africa to fatten their coffers.

Food for thought.
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