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Old 2011-02-07, 20:07   Link #7758
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Originally Posted by zodanhko View Post
Yes, they many time tried to use scientific ideas to create a fiction story, meaning the story is not true. The events (the word I used) in those fiction series are make-believes, like the case that you used as a fact (as a true story) where an 'average person was capable to save his town because he had an average intelligent with simplistic thinking, while all the geniuses were useless because they were too smart.'Taking that situation seriously is ludicrous to the norm (it's a fiction story, please look at the genre!!!).
I think you're turned around. Sci Fi is a fictional setting with scientific principles applied to it.
The story often is largely true, but put into another setting to keep from being to blatant about it and getting taken off of the air for insulting the government or someone.

The genius' in Eureka are not useless because they're too smart, they're useful (except for the main character, the genius' play a significant role), and they do give him the facts he needs, they just can't put them together in the 'save the episode' way that he can. Essentially Humans are Special put in a setting we ourselves haven't gotten to yet.

Take another Sci Fi example and largely you'll find the same pattern. Even things like comics could be thrown under the umbrella of Sci Fi, but clearly use methods of actual science to explain things. Even HnG uses his method on occasion.

Originally Posted by ridgezipline View Post
it could be either or could be both. i leave it to people to choose which relationship is good for them.
I would agree with that, but add the point that Athena isn't teaching that. She's beating into Hayate that this is the only way to have a relationship, which is an antiquated way of thinking and is no longer valid.

Originally Posted by ridgezipline View Post
i will wait because i am in no position to diagnose someone's abilities. things like these require years of training, certification, licenses, etc. the most i can do is to suspect and refer them to good pros [by pros i do not mean the quacks on tv].
Originally Posted by zodanhko View Post
---Nagi was called a 'genius' by Maria because she was an extremely fast learner. At the age of 7, Nagi beat all of her tutors in every game such as in chess,and claimed that none of them was smart enough to teach her, with the only exception being Maria. Yes, that's a genius level that none of the other four you spoke of had shown.

---Maria was called a 'true genius' by the robot-creator-teacher with the same exceptionally intellectual capability as Nagi, but Maria is ever better thant Nagi with her entered high school at 10 and graduated at 13. Never lost in a game.

---Athena was called the 'greatest genius' by Miki because well..I would also like to know what Athena did for Miki to put her above Maria.
Is it just me, or do those two statements contradict each other? Maria almost qualifies for naming Nagi a genius, except that the one who names her a genius is not qualified to do so, thus invalidating the entire matter.

So using your own statement, that normal people can't make a judgment about a person being a genius, we can't call anyone a genius, and neither can anyone within the manga because we've been given no hints that any of them are qualified for it, and thus this entire argument is invalidated.

Don't you just love when statements are put together like that Mc Glasses?
Arcion's is open for business. How would you like your hare-brained scheme?

Would people quit throwing my faith in humanity being intelligent a shovel?
... Apparently there are now people in existence who are unable to use a shovel.

Programming today is a race between programmers trying to create better idiot-proof programs, and the world creating better idiots.
The world is winning.. by leaps and bounds.

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Last edited by Bastion_Arcion; 2011-02-07 at 22:02.
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