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Old 2011-02-08, 23:06   Link #1349
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
Did you even read what slick rick said? There is a huge difference between stating, "I view him so far in the light of a sexual predator/pedophile." and "I can affirm he is a pedophile."

And if anything, strawman fallacies from some people of the opposing opinion are NOT going to convince others. Aforementioned fallacies I start seeing a little too much here.
I view Sheba as a Nazi/sexual predator/pedophile.

A huge difference, eh?

I bet if I was serious and not just making a point, a mod would step in and issue a warning for name-calling (and may anyway, which would prove me right ;p). I've seen this far too often on places like Fox News. "I'm not calling him a Nazi, just that I see him as one."

One knows very well what reactions one is going to invoke in others when one chooses to use certain descriptive terminology.

And it's really hard to think of someone as a sexual predator, when they are going around handing out wishes and trying to raise champions to defend humanity against a very real scourge.

I see a lot of people as twisted as they claim Kyube is. Sure, let's kill the little creature that is humanity's only defense. Why? Because he's different! And I dun like peeple that r different.
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