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Old 2011-02-12, 18:47   Link #256
Labda Prakarsa Nirwikara
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Pekanbaru (UTC+07:00)
Age: 37
Originally Posted by TheRainbowConnection View Post
"The weight of human assets, including lives, transcend areas of administration."

Now, the question is: Is this Hayate talking out of her own beliefs, or is this her parroting TSAB policy? And what exactly is the scope of Section 6's mandate?
TSAB policy. What she's quoting is basically what Chrono did back on TOS and A's

Not quite. And I quote, "Skipper! If we let them escape, there may not be a next time." It doesn't imply a final showdown, but it does imply that Hayate wants to bring the fight to the Huckebein while they still can. I guess the Huckebein ship is pretty stealthy, though how they initially found the Huckebein baseship (and why they may not do it again), god only knows. In any case, she needed to force some sort of confrontation in order to make any headway. They're having crap luck finding a singular Huckebein and being able to mount enough concentration of force to face it that I guess Hayate made the decision to pit concentrated force against concentrated force. Whether or not this was the right choice is up for debate. Certainly, it's nowhere close to a victory, but TSAB forces attained vital data on the enemy.
Ah, but then after Touma fired Zero Eclipse, showing the capability to disable everyone, including Huckebein, what was our brave officers decision?

Divide our forces, one to somehow(?) neutralize Krytonite Boy, the other to protect the ship while Hayate nuke the ship. That's not a mere probing mission anymore.

Now if this is Hayate's first mission it might be understandable, but for someone claimed to have plenty experience? It's not reckless anymore, it's hubris. Or Magical Girl-ish.

I would love to see how this affects Hayate's career and field responsibilities, but the politics of military promotion committees is waaaaaay outside the scope of Tsuzuki's abilities.
Well that's something we could agree on.

Promotion based on individual strength is just so...medieval.

Last edited by Tiresias; 2011-02-12 at 19:00.
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