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Old 2011-02-17, 14:22   Link #49
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
Hitomi told her she'd confess to Kamijou tomorrow. She advised Sayaka to make a move before then so that she won't have any regret. From my understanding, Hitomi has had feelings for Kamijou for a while, yet she didn't do anything and even tried to forget about him out of consideration for Sayaka. However, she's grown tired of waiting and lying to herself, so now basically, she's telling Sayaka that if she doesn't freaking make her mind up already, she'll take him.

The only reason she's giving Sayaka an advance notice is that she's known Kamijou for longer than her. She feels it's only right for Sayaka to confess first. If she doesn't, then it's her loss. She's been warned, so she can't complain if Hitomi "steals" Kamijo.
OK. That explained why she didn't make a move earlier. But seriously, the reason she decided to make her move might be because Kamijou was heal. Considering that she was from a high class family. I think that her feeling for Kamijou might not strong enough for her to devote herself for him. In other word, I don't believe that she did this for Sayaka. She was definitely sure that she could snatch Kamijou from Sayaka. This was just a very politely way to do it.

I don't understand the raw but what I can tell is that the BGM is getting more and more awesome. ლ(¯ロ¯ლ)
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