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Old 2011-02-18, 11:17   Link #12055
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
Originally Posted by Kamui4356 View Post
The thing is, when it's confident in an answer, it should beat a human to buzz in first 100% of the time. A computer should have much faster reaction times. Note that confident doesn't mean actually right though.
IBM was required to build a mechanical "finger" for Watson so it had to press the buzzer when answering like the human contestants. Also the buzzers are locked out until Alex finishes reading the question (well, answer really). Some of Watson's speed had to do with it being a computer, but the times when it was "puzzled" were highly instructive. It seemed to me that it did best on questions where factual knowledge was important, like authors' names, book titles, etc. It was, not surprisingly, less effective when the question relied on puns or other contextual information.

Originally Posted by yezhanquan View Post
Give it a few more years (or decades, depending on the funding). The technology is still in its infancy (as mentioned before), and I don't see it as a threat now.
I've been watching 3D printing for a couple of years now, and the pace of technological development has been quite rapid. If the technology becomes mature, it's going to prove interesting for intellectual property litigation. Eventually what will matter is not the physical object itself, but the algorithms for its creation. Copyrights, rather than patents, may end up playing the bigger role when it comes to protection of inventions.
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