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Old 2011-02-19, 16:03   Link #1395
Team Spice and Wolf UK
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: England
Age: 36
Originally Posted by KyriaL View Post
Never really understood why many liked haruhi suzumiya and K-ON. To me, K-ON just seem too slow-paced and somehow... makes me sleepy? I have no intention of offending anyone but i literally slept while watching 1 of the episodes from K-ON
K-On = Love music, and it was nice to see another partially music orientated series. For the same reason I DIDN'T like series 2 that much, as most of the music references, name drops etc dissapeared, and it became a [to me] boring slice of life show with overtly moe characters.
Haruhi = Premise is interesting if you're into scifi, and Kyon's sense of humour. Also a lot of genre-savvy/4th wall-ness going on.

Originally Posted by SigSig
1. Lucky Star
2. Kiss x sis
3. Kampfer
Switch your brain off light humour. Same reason a lot of people don't like Seitokai have to enjoy the humour to enjoy the show. None of these 3 are great, epic-plotted shows, but they're not trying to be.
Total Anime watched= Enough. What can I say? I'm a convert...
PRAY FOR SPICE AND WOLF III and faster Yenpress novel releases!
Reading: None at the moment
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