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Old 2011-02-20, 14:20   Link #381
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Deserted Temple
Age: 37
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Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
Heh, who knows? All things are possible - the Forward Air Controller with the callsign Widow Six Seven might well find your Coach to be a man after his own heart. Those who have been following the goings-on in Helmand and the British AOR in Afghanistan may recognize just who Widow Six Seven is... or is he?

And assuming that this is a world that follows our world fairly closely, Widow Six Seven would have seen action and called in airstrikes of his own, and would therefore be less that pleased with prima donna grandstanding...
Well, Coach is former SAS and Royal Commando. He is rumored to be one of the few people alive to have gone up against an IS on foot and scored a kill during the National Dismantlement War.

Was not pretty. Nasty situation. Had to snatch and hold a Tier 1 asset. Bad guys did not want 'em getting away, so they just sent in waves of mooks to wear down the boys, before sending in the heavy hitters, and finally, the End Boss. The whole detachment plus a company of Royal Marines got annihilated, but they made the bastards pay in blood.

Now, Mecha is the norm here in the IS: For Answer-verse, thanks to key technologies derived from IS development. Mecha comes in three flavors, from roughly 3 to 4+ meters tall to man-sized: Muscle Tracers, progenitor powered exoskeletons, utilitarian, function over form, can be weaponized on the fly, and very common in civilian sector. Next, Armored Troopers, real mecha derived from MTs, cheap, "squishy" humanoid armored tin cans armed with a 30mm autocannon at the very least typically, very versatile and effective when used correctly. Last but not least, power armor, referred to as Personal Troopers, is a must-have item for any infantry man, mechanized or not, in a battlefield where overkill levels of ordinance and killing power is the norm.

The last piece of mecha, if you can call 'em that, is a post-War concept called Arms Forts, megaweapons on a massive scale that are many times larger and much more powerful than any single Infinite Stratos.

Deployed in matters where IS are neither available nor sufficient, the existence of these fantastical mobile battle fortresses, bristling with weapon batteries, heavy armor, experimental arms and technologies, and veteran troops, replaces the reliance of IS in military operations, effectively. Just by their presence alone, they can cow an entire despot country into submission.

One such example is The Spirit of Texas, a huge walking Arms Fort commissioned by the US. Presently deployed in the East African Special Administrative Zone (or Area 8), it is designed like a gargantuan aircraft carrier and is bristling with several VLS launchers, long-range bombardment cannons, a plethora secondary batteries, and many auxiliary mechanized and airborne units. Heavy laminated armor makes this AF virtually indestructible from the outside.

Being a FAC in this kind of highly mechanized, and mobile battlefield is challenging work to say the least, I assure you.
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