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Old 2011-02-25, 10:29   Link #139
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Iwakawa Base
Age: 32
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
Homura admitted herself that she didn't want to help Sayaka. She was refused thanks in part to her lying about her intentions. This wasn't about stroking anyone's ego. Homura's sole obession with Madoka has been clear from the very start.

The only thing Kyoko got in the way of was Homura trying to kill another character in the series.
You aren't wrong but you skipped an important part. The fact that Homura threw a Grief Seed to Sayaka. I don't know what else it could be if it isn't considered some kind of help. Homura was aware that Sayaka kept using her magic without cleaning her SG with GS. Another thing you skipped is the fact that Sayaka did not only refuse the help, she simply threw the GS away and then started bashing Homura. Only after the needless provocation did Homura snap.

No doubt that Sayaka made a lot of mistakes. But the first impressions given by Kyoko and Homura were pretty negative and helped make them tough to trust. Sayaka helped put herself into this bad situation, but it's not like other characters didn't help contribute to it.
Kyouko wanted to kill her before. But this impression lost its significance when she dropped her cover. Homura wanted to kill her as well (after she got provoked) but aside from that, all the other possible contributions weren't intentional. In the end, Kyouko meant no harm, the opposite. Homura had also helped her before, but circumstances made it look like she had not. What I'm trying to say is, while Sayaka's perceivings are understandable, it's still her own fault for not considering alternatives. She sees something bad, she assumes it is bad and sticks to it, and she won't change her mind. That she is a zombie, that Homura is a liar and not a good person, that she can't stand a chance against Hitomi, that Kyouko's way of doing things was wrong etc.

If she had been able to consider more positive alternatives that in fact were not known to be bad choices ("You don't know until you try"), then she wouldn't have turned miserable as fast. Why not try live with the SG fact? Why not at least try talk to Kyouko as Madoka suggested? If she thinks they will end up fighting either way, at least try. Why just shove Homura off and not ask her a single question, assuming she knows everything even though they never talked to each other? A "what do you want this time?" would have been enough in my book.

Last edited by Seihai; 2011-02-25 at 10:51.
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