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Old 2004-10-25, 19:45   Link #13
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Personally, I have to go with BECK. It's hard to say why, though... Even though the plot is simple so far, it just has a sort of 'new' feel to it. A lot of the other shows on nowadays (even the relatively good ones) have a formulaic, been-there-done-that feel to them. BECK doesn't. Also, even after only two episodes, its characters feel like real people.

I liked Windy Tales, too, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. They give each epsiode a subtle emotional 'oomph', but it doesn't add up to anything from episode to episode. Making a show about various events from people's lives without showing how those events effect them over time is just poor writing. Still, the first episode showed promise, and the animation is interesting, so I could be wrong about it.
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