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Old 2011-02-28, 16:33   Link #22053
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Kylon99 View Post
Wait, I don't agree to this. Think about it this way. My family as a secret and yes, it's not good to hide that secret from me. Once I do know about it however, it's my right to hide that secret from the rest of the world. This doesn't have to be some immoral or illegal secret. It could just simply be a hereditary disease that for some reason my family found shameful.

No one else in the world has the right to know about it since I nor my family are public figures. Especially not a bunch of people more interested in the gossip than anything else.
It's a very different thing when no one but your family benefits, but ultimately I'd still say disclosure cannot harm you in the long run. So you have a disease, and revealing this fact would be hurtful. More hurtful than the gossip? Once it's confirmed, there is no more gossip; it's just a fact. And eventually facts lose their novelty and luster, and slip out of public interest. In a few years, no one would care. People who have no secrets are immune to the worry and guilt that someone might find out, and besides, better to control disclosure of a truth on your own terms than to have it found out and spread about maliciously.

Which do you respect more: The politician who holds a press conference to announce he's been corrupted by power and is stepping down, or the one who only steps down because the newspaper found out about his corruption? Both are undeniably corrupt, and both should resign; yet clearly, you think better of the first one, even if his actions are no different. And in ten years, neither one will be remembered.
Ok, however, the Ushiromiya family were potentially involved in a murder scenario. Maybe that's a bit different. But even if I were the only person who knew what happened and I claimed that there was no murder, only a terrible accident.... then on top of that no evidence was found for murder... what right does anyone else have to pry into other matters and use it as a point of gossip about how someone COULD have committed murder?

Actually, this kinda fits in well with why Beatrice apologized to Ange for writing those two message bottles and stirring up trouble for her. I mean, ok, if you want to keep a secret, don't write lurid conspiracy theories about mass murder and ritualistic sacrifices. 8) (I guess Beatrice intended to stoke the flames of speculation as her way of becoming a witch... heh)
The only reason speculation is given any serious credit in the world of Umineko is because of the box keeping facts from being confirmed. If everyone knew that an earthquake set off old military explosives unwittingly stored beneath the house, killing everyone inside, and that Eva had escaped by the sheer coincidence of investigating some tunnels Kinzo had built, there'd be little to speculate on, and those who did would not be "witches," just jerks.

Besides, are we forgetting that if there was a crime (and maybe there was not), someone is guilty of that crime? Let's feel bad for the potential pain dealt to the good, yes, but why are we not willing to punish the evil? If the Rokkenjima incident was a murder, don't we deserve to know who that murderer was? It's not fair to everyone involved otherwise. Gohda's name deserves to be clean as much as Kyrie's (or George's, or Yasu's, or Battler's , or nobody's) deserves to be called out for their crime. There is actually a valid justice-based motive to unveiling what occurred.
Redaction of the Golden Witch
I submit that a murder was committed in 1996.
This murder was a "copycat" crime inspired by our tales of 1986.
This story is a redacted confession.

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