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Old 2011-03-03, 13:26   Link #339
Join Date: Jan 2011
Age: 32
Haha, I used to have "dreams" that were more like really short "visions" of the future. Solidguy, somewhat similar to what you've explained, although it was typically people I knew. Like, snippets of conversations or something similar to that. I haven't had a "dream" like that in quite some time, but yeah, weird stuff.

I typically have pretty crazy dreams, though I haven't dreamt all that much lately. I remember as a kid, I had a dream were a werewolf busted in on me when I was going to the bathroom and I persuaded him not to eat me by giving him peanut butter crackers. Then he dissapeared and I was suddenly in a museum with my family. My mom handed me my little brother, who was still a baby, and for some reason he felt like jello and he slipped out of my hands and bounced around on the floor, and then we were somehow somewhere else.

I also remember a dream where I found a lake nearby my house and jumped in, swam down, and found the Titanic. Yoda then showed up and had a lightsaber battle with a shark. I think. It was a few years ago.

I also used to have to dreams that I was an adult, and I was for some reason, black. I have no idea why. xD

Hm...I know I've had lots of other dreams. Oh yeah, there was one where I was just playing Pokemon Blue and I found a secret cave where a secret pokemon named Megaleg lived. I was disappointed when I woke up and realized it wasn't real.

I can't remember a lot of my more recent dreams, haha.
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