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Old 2011-03-03, 19:57   Link #305
Thread Hijacker
Join Date: May 2009
Location: In a hole, I just need to dig myself out
True, but it's hard to believe Priscilla's arm split three ways to revive dead bodies would give them the strength of AOs. I mean it's possible, Priscilla essentially has infinite energy, nobody has ever assessed through fighting or sensing how strong she really is.
No one has infinite energy; she has her limits, we've just haven't seen them yet. I've always felt she was somewhere between 3-4x AO; anything beyond 4xAO is too extreme, whilst we know she's over 2xAO.

No doubt Priscilla's arm will give those three intense regeneration abilities and/or suppression.

I wouldn't mind seeing Teresa again, so long as it was some sort of flashback or dream sequence like with Jean inside Raciella.


A sequel is really the only way I would be happy with the mainland and so on....I don't know how far Yagi plans too go, but before he deviants too much, he should finish everything on the island first and keep everything on the mainland etc a seperate sequel.
"You know, their are as many ways to live as their are people in this world...and each one deserves a closer look."
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