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Old 2011-03-04, 07:44   Link #237
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
Originally Posted by taofd View Post
Isn't that simply the way you are seeing it? You are interpreting QB's behavior as an individual who understands emotion, but you are making a fundamental attribution error? You attribute it to his "evilness" or his propensity to manipulate others, but isn't it just as likely as him simply not understanding human emotions? Is it so difficult to imagine what it would be like without emotions? It would be like a race of machines driven by data and ruthless efficiency. And how exactly did QB exploit Sayaka in relation to her "Kamijou crises"?
Are you serious, or are you trying to troll me?

QB says goodbye to Madoka and Sayaka, telling that he needs to find other girls willing to contract with him. Sayaka goes to visit Kamijou. Unlike all other visits before, Kamijou has a nervous breakdown, queueing the line "there's no hope for my hand, save magic or a miracle". Sayaka reacts and yells "magic and miracles exist!" and directly sees QB waiting at the window.

It would take more than just blind naivete to believe that this was coincidental.

What he told Madoka was true. As QB sees it, Madoka is the ticket to producing a huge amount of energy. If this helps save the universe, then is his statement really false?
Oh, it's true? And you know that how? *lol*

QB has been playing with the girls' emotions like a piano. He knows exactly what to say to deflect their suspicions, what to say to encourage them to contract, and what to do to place them in danger to coerce them into contracting. It's quite possible that he doesn't FEEL or SHARE human emotions. But it's totally obvious that he UNDERSTANDS them, and knows how to use them to his advantage.

Seriously, trusting ANY word out of the mouth of a guy who has openly admitted to deceiving young girls and sending them to their deaths for his own gains is of breathtaking stupidity. Why are we even discussing something like this?

But hey, if you seriously think that QB is an alien worried about the universe's entropy, please be my guest by all means ... just tell me your real name, credit card number, expiry date and safety code first - I want to send you some money!
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