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Old 2011-03-11, 00:09   Link #25
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
I think Laura was correct in calling Ichika her "wife"

I mean according to Chifuyu the guy's pretty handy to have around the house and all and so far the girls are the types that would be the pants in the relationship. That and given how Ichika was so clueless as to the gravity of the situation around him regarding gospel I think that's a correct definition.

BTW someone mind explaining to me how in the world is this woman not in control of the entire world? She obviously has an orbital base, creates battlesuits that are equivalent to an entire US marine corp and can summon Surface to Air missile launchers at the flick of her hand.

I mean seriously.
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